Combined phage therapy for supporting the treatment of chronic respiratory diseases.
Provider: Technologická agentura ČR (TA ČR)
Program: FW - TREND (2020 - 2027)
A mixture of antibiotics suitable for inhalation and lytic bacteriophages active against the species S. aureus and P. aeruginosa will be prepared and tested. Testing of the product will be provided together with Masaryk University (MU) to formulate the product with optimal composition and stability to use a synergistic effect to treat bacterial infections of the respiratory tract caused by S. aureus and P. aeruginosa. The defined combination will be developed as a function sample. A suitable nebulizer type will be selected for this combination for optimal application. The combined product in an inhalation drug form will be protected by a utility model and will be prepared for the registration process, currently in progress by the European Commission.